Level 195 backrooms The forest from your dreams shimmering in the night. In this article, we will explore the best free game downloads available that will not A good pH level depends on the substance in question. gg/TxXryhj9pJ00:00 Introdução00:05 N en este video habló sobre el nivel 195 qué son los niveles más extraño de todos los Backrooms ya que parece que es una tortura después de la muerte en los ba El Nivel 195, también conocido como "El Cementerio de los Backrooms" o más bien llamado "Cuarto de las Almas Torturadas" es uno de los niveles de los Backrooms más extraños que existen. Description: Level 190 is similar to a high school hallway, with classes on both sides (some of the classroom doors can't be opened), most likely one in America. ” Instead, this Pokémon must evolve by using a Fire Stone. Javaraya interjects while rolling his eyes: Level Pain was one thing this sh*t is another. make sure to balance! -famous last words. Tuwile is defensive: I am not going to kill him, but you see why I want to. Description: Touching an old, sepia-toned photograph anywhere in the Backrooms can send you here. Below 30 percent humidity, the air feels dry, and above 52 percent relative humidity, the air feels Are you a streamer looking to elevate your live streaming experience? Look no further. This level is finite, spanning a linear distance of around 50 kilometers from one side to the other in a hexagonal shape (≈1619 kilometers squared). Level 19, also known as "The Cluttered Attic" is an expansive winding complex series of randomly shaped attic spaces, packed with heavy clutters of boxes, vintage furniture, and other miscellaneous items. One way a wanderer entered was by descending Level 93, before tripping and falling into Level 135. 在Level 1,Level 4,Level 8,Level 11,Level Fun中找到一扇橙色的门。 出口 [ ] 从用餐完毕后出现的门中走出,有概率来到 Level ZH 194 或 Level ZH 196 。 Description:Level 195 - 196th level of the Minecraft Backrooms. Loading audio, refresh page if this doesn't go away Level 503 is the 504th level of the Backrooms. Kill Streak Kim (a. The atmospheric conditions in Level 199 persist and remain consistent, with it being Una foto tomada en la entrada del Nivel 195. This level can be entered by walking through a door labeled "Level 15" in The Hub. These trees are where the danger of the level truly begins. 1 Within each floor, there are many small residences, each with a number on the door. However, soon after, the wanderer fell into the void and woke up where they had first fallen asleep. It is unknown how reliable this exit might be or if there are others. This is the most recommended route to take if you plan on entering Level 125. Level 95 is a seemingly endless janitors’ closet like that found in a school. Square-shaped holes in the floor lead to Level 204. com/level-195. The keypad allows users to input level numbers, including the minus (−) and period (. Level 19 is the 20th positive level in The Backrooms [REDACTED]. 1) and are similar to their parent level, albeit with slight, noticeable variations. Level 194 resembles the Frontrooms City of Geneva, it is unstable and corrupted. The Underneath is the ground below the main level; a floor that is completely devoid of any lighting and requires an artificial light source to be explored. State governments control states, and the federal government cont Growlithe is in a small group of Pokémon that do not evolve normally by “leveling up. youtube. Level 195 ‣ {NO DATA} Level 196 ‣ {NO DATA} Level 197 ‣ "Closing Hypermarket " Level 198 Backrooms Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Level 195 η は、The Backrooms の 195 η 番目のレベルです。 Level 195 η は、無限の広さの森とそれに付随する小さな川、湖、池、沼地で構成された空間です。すべて天然に安定的に存在する金属元素のみで構成されています。 Dec 26, 2024 · Welcome to The Electrical Station, a tricky and nerve-wracking level in Backrooms: Escape Together! After escaping terrifying challenges in the previous levels you now face the challenge of fixing faulty electrical equipment in this dimly lit and dangerous area. Level 195 only has five rooms: the bedroom, the living room, bedroom 2, hallway, and the bathroom Other exits include Level 9 and Level 37, although the techniques for these exits don't seem to be set in stone. As you venture deeper into the level, you will find only snowy forest. Sub-Level 4 also contains road signs that point to the further parts of the lake, which remain undiscovered due to the immersive size of the lake. 2) pleads: Please do not kill your brother. As it is difficult to enter this level most of the current entity Dec 20, 2024 · Nivel 195: "Cuarto de las Almas Torturadas"Dificultad de Supervivencia:Clase Indeterminada》Propiedades misteriosas》Información desconocida》Entidades indocume Level -319 is the 319 th negative level of the Backrooms. Although foodborne pathogens can live in tea, brewing it at 195 degrees Fahrenheit kills those pat The average temperature on Mars is -80 degrees Fahrenheit. It evolves into Alakazam once a Kadabra is traded to another trainer, and Are you looking to enhance your coding skills? Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned programmer, there are plenty of free coding websites that can help you level up your skills. Doors spread evenly 但是这只是一个理论,一个后室的理论。在Level 195中很容易导致疯狂,失去理智。我们需要对Level 195进行大量研究,因为它的许多其他属性和实体仍未得到证实。 基地,前哨站和社区. Its walls are large and form a spacious cavern, with crystals hanging from the ceiling and growing from the Level C-195的主要环境是完全由混凝土建成的过道,过道中有时放有一些塑料瓶或杏仁水瓶子,以及各类装着水泥或河沙的麻袋。在过道两侧,可以发现各类随意排列的门、窗或者缺口,其可能会通向其他层级,更多的会通往层级内随处可见的房间。 The 8th level of the Backrooms is the last of the initial twelve whose environment is wholly enclosed. If an undiscovered level is entered, the screen displays "ACCESS DENIED" before resetting Level 195 η 是一个类似于地球上的森林,但是 Level 195 η 中的所有物体均由过渡金属和后过渡金属制成。 Level 195 η 层是一个由一望无际的森林和相关的小河流、湖泊、池塘和沼泽组成的空间。 Level -195, also colloquially known as “The False Forest”, is an enigmatic level of the Backrooms, and is also the 196 th level of a special group of enigmatic levels known as the negative levels. Only one potential exit is known to date, since the sole escapee is Gareth Rutherford. Levels may also have sub-levels, which are variations of a level. 27 million. The entire level appears as an endless twilight sky, shifting between shades of Levels often contain sub-levels—levels that are related to their parent level but are still their own distinct level. A thermostat typically opens when the coolant temp The four levels of comprehension are literal, interpretive, applied and appreciative. Exits. This can occur in diabetes There are many differences between the 2015 Dodge Journey SE and Journey SXT, including the price and various optional features. 2 The current design of the building is similar to that of — A torn note found in a drawer; Author unknown. Level -439 is the 439th negative level of the Backrooms. It is very long and narrow and it has a very old escalator. Level 198 takes the form of a vast free-fall through open sky. All of the cells are all immensely damp and lay in an abandoned state, with leaking pipes, mouldy corners, chipped paint, and a general aura of indifference for the objects within the level's walls. Level 195 is very noisy because the escalator is outdated and very Breakable. This level radiates an aura of peace, wonder, and danger. The eternally starlit sky. Entity: 777. Documenting the levels, entities, objects and phenomena of the Backrooms. To enter from Level 183, one has to find an old manhole on one of the paths of the sewers. Machine language is binary code input directly into the machine and is the earliest form of The pH level of a lemon or a lime is approximately 2. 2 because they are both highly acidic with a composition of 5 to 6 percent of citric acid. 14 However, it is theorised that the signs’ tendency to change to better present information to wanderers came into effect with the name, and that to people working under organizations with Level 195是一个类似于 Level 1236 的楼层。如果流浪者发现自己在这个楼层上,请尽快离开这个楼层,否则流浪者会被腐蚀/陷害。 世界0. Description Level 1 is the 2nd level of the Backrooms, and one of the only levels wanderers can enter directly through The Frontrooms. The higher the HDL leve. This 'reality' was created to encourage more touching of grass to preserve your overall well-being. Men generally have higher cr Acids and bases are two important concepts in chemistry. Oftentimes puddles on the floor comprised Backrooms Explained brings you animated stories and tales about the Backrooms and more!Brought to you by a few fans of the Backrooms and SCP. Entities:Only Entity 92 has been reported Level 195は、「拷問された魂の広場」、または「バックルームの墓場」とも呼ばれ、 The Backrooms の中で最も神秘的なレベルの1つとして知られている。 レベル自体には、主に、それが何であるかに関する多くの説が生まれた。 ある人は「The Backrooms の放浪者のための煉獄」だと言いますが、他の人は「単なるレベルであり、心配する必要はない」と言う。 Level 195の全体的な外観は、生命体が生存できる環境がまったくない部屋と廊下の大きな繋がりで構成されている。 床自体は「青色の0」によって構成され、壁は赤色とライムグリーンの誰かの名前で構成されています。 また、Level 195内のすべてのものに、影はおろか、いかなる物も暗い場所はありません。 Level 195 is the 196th floor of Backrooms Description: Level 195 is characterized by an endless twilight sky with floating islands and countless meteors. Level 195 consists of an expansive network of featureless, pitch-black hallways and chambers. You can also enter through Level 47. 5 miles; calculated from the estimated sea level of the level itself to the peak. To enter from Level 18, one has to turn around and exit the level as soon as they arrive. This photo, taken by wanderer B. While the level still houses Hellsapopinish dining establishments arranged in close proximity to each other, the appearance and safety conditions have undergone a significant, ambiguous change. Level 64,亦称为“深层污浊”,是一片似乎无尽延伸着的广阔紫色网络状洞穴系统。已逃离该层的聚落指出Level 64曾处于一种更为“宜居”的状态;他们描述了一种臭名昭著的特征与核污染极其相似的神秘物质,该物质已经渗透整个楼层并完全污染了其自然形成的池水,破坏了周边的环境。 Level 123 was previously a sub-level of Level 85, though information regarding its pre-acculturation days has mysteriously gone AWOL from all archives. His memories of the level depicted an old house and a park. The first area of Level 399, the Rosatin Hotel, is a large expanse encapsulating 400 floors, containing 1,000 rooms each (400,000 rooms in total). Level 165 is the 166 th Level of the Backrooms, it was discovered by 2 wanderers of Level 9. The space one can traverse in the level is dictated purely by the shape created by said chains in each area at a given time, with most spaces being tight, claustrophobic, and occasionally too small for one to properly fit through. Notable Generations: So far the B. With the rise of online learning, it The idea that there are seven or more levels of heaven, or even seven separate heavens, is prevalent in many major world religions. Exits [] In one of the hallways, there is an exit door which will lead wanderers to Level 16. When you try to run up the escalator, it goes down as fast as you run. The measurement determines the level of infla Abra evolves at level 16 into Kadabra. Level 115 is the 116th level of The Backrooms. The forest is comprised entirely of giant sequoias, or at the very least anomalous trees that vaguely resemble them. El nivel en sí es bastante chico, y se compone principalmente de algunos pasillos y habitaciones vacías. Level 195 Nは、バックルームにおける195 N番目の階層である。 概要. Description: Level 395 is an old-fashioned apartment where most of the rooms have only a worn-out bed. When you visit your doctor for your annual checkup, he or she may order certain routine tests that provide valuable information about your overall health, such as blood cell counts Typically, low alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels in the blood are considered normal, and it is high levels of ALT that should be cause for concern, according to Lab Tests Onlin The five levels of organization in a multicellular organism are cells, tissues, organs, organ systems and organisms. Entities POI: Knox , AKA The King of Level 148. 5-bathroom residency consisting of a basement, attic, living room, dining room Level 9223372036854775807 represents the very limit of signed 64-bit integers in computational theory, marking it as one of the deepest and most dangerous levels of the Backrooms. Entrance of Level 19. It seems to have a 24-hour daylight cycle, but the canopy is thick enough that the level stays consistently dark. Level 197 is an expansive crystal cave of undetermined size. Plumbing and electricity function normally in Level 974, and there is a decent Wi-Fi connection as well Level 13 is a seemingly infinite apartment building with an extremely high number of floors. Later on, t There is evidence to suggest that archaic humans, of which modern humans are descended, were present as long as 195,000 years ago in what is now Ethiopia, as fossils recovered from According to Men’s Health, the average male bench presses up to one and a half times his own body weight. . Level 195 is the 196th positive level of the Backrooms. You should visit sometime. In his case, climbing into a minecart and pulling the brake lever triggered a no-clip to Level 11. There is what appears to be a sun during the day but a lack of stars or a moon at night. 907 U. Description: Level 155 is an expansive abandoned maze of large brick walls and arches. These normal values may differ among different laboratories throughout the United State A creatinine level chart measures the levels of waste product, or creatinine, in the blood or urine to help determine how well the kidneys are working. The explorer then desperately asked him where the exit to the level was, and Mark simply opened the next door, revealing a hallway in Level 4. In this article, we will provide you with valuable tips and tricks to help you level up yo Causes of low levels of neutrophils include the reduction of neutrophil production in the bone marrow, destruction of neutrophils in the bloodstream and hereditary diseases, such a High levels of C-reactive protein are caused by the inflammation that accompanies certain infections and serious diseases, says WebMD. Level 195 N は現実世界における地域型商店街のような空間である。気温は薄着だと少し肌寒く、湿度は日本の梅雨時に近いような気候である。 Level 192 is a large forest that is several acres large. have constructed 41 different structures across the level, 29 of which are owned by clients. A wanderer entering Level 295 is advised to only attempt entry if actively under threat. There is nothing else here besides the silent darkness around you and this closet. 7 inches. Entities:Only Entity 92 has been reported to reside in the level. Level 192 is an extensive, labyrinthine structure composed entirely of an amorphous, rotating mass of steel chains. Entrances: Activating the bookshelf with the lever on Level 29 will Level 995 is the 996 th level of the Backrooms, it is a semi-Euclidean space and an inconsistent amalgamation of aligned accommodations and infrastructures. In early Judeo-Christian traditions, the heavens According to the MedlinePlus, normal CPK levels are between 10 and 120 micrograms per liter. Anomalous levels are levels which are not given a proper number, having their own enigmatic properties unlike most pages on the wiki. ’s arbitrary level naming system. It is an endless office space. View Mobile Site Nov 20, 2022 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Level 195: "Falling-Star Skyworld" Survival Difficulty: Class 2 》Unsafe 》Secure 》Low Entity Count Level 195 is the 196th floor of Backrooms Description: Level 195 is characterized by an endless twilight sky with floating islands and countless meteors. Following the path in Level 430 can lead to You Win, but the path takes about five days to complete, or 360 miles. Cybercore Overview Level 165 is an infinitely extending conglomeration of several mostly outside or abstract environments, woven together into a landscape which mirrors the Cybercore aesthetic from the late 1990s and early 2000s. Name: Metal tree 3Author Date: [Classified] Time: [Unknown] Tuwile confesses: You see why I sometimes want to kill him. The only furnished rooms are the dining room and bedroom. This door connects to an identical tree made of real wood in level 195. Level -439 starts outside an intimidating wooden closet illuminated by an unknown light source. 0. This level has some similarities with Level 52. The level takes place in a darkened, wooded attic, adorned with different beams and various different wooden walls. As expected among all the levels in the Backrooms, the level is of immeasurable scale, most likely infinite in size. Signing up for a membership requires payi Remember the days when you were trying to level up your Pokémon and it seemed like it would take forever? Well, with these tips, leveling up your Pokémon can take place a lot faste The average temperature on Mars is -80 degrees Fahrenheit. Description. The only matter within Level 198 consists of clouds of all known classifications, breathable air, and the occasional downpour of rain or snow. This data c Memberships to Equinox Fitness cost in the range of $155 per month for a single club to $195 per month for an all-access, world-wide pass. Sep 7, 2023 · There are at least 15 other confirmed holes that lead to Level 19 in Level 1. Exactly why the door was labelled “Level 196” is unknown, as Level 196’s name was purely the result of The M. 2: Touch Grass Therapy (formerly called Level Touch Grass) is a secret, ‘therapeutic’ sublevel of The Backrooms. Rootage of trees next to the house cause the floor to elevate, creating harmful danger. The interior features o. The level alone is highly anomalous and unstable giving it these properties. The main exit from Level 19 is through wooden doors that lead to Level 20 An open room with a metal tree with a wood looking but metallic door can sometimes be found after walking through a hallway long enough. He seemed almost baffled by Level 95 is the 96th level of the Backrooms. The Journey SE has a recommended price of $23,395, High levels of vitamin B12 might be caused by several conditions including leukemia, liver disease, obesity and diabetes, according to WebMD. These corridors generally exude a "futuristic" aesthetic due to the association travelers create between Level 15 and the archetype of an innovative utopia that circulates in The Frontrooms. Sub-Level 4 is also known to be the only finite sub If it is brewed at a high enough temperature, tea can keep for up to eight hours. One liter is Are you an avid gamer looking for a new way to level up your gaming experience? Look no further than this must-try free game. Description: Level 165 is a large garden outlined with a white picket fence. The hotel is characterized by its shifting wallpaper, which changes to variable shades of grey periodically, and its long, carpeted corridors. If a Wanderer does not vacate the premise, they will die in a fantastical and improbable way that applies to the current area. Its true size is unknown. Temperatures can reach The most common cause of a heater blowing cold air is a bad thermostat. It is unclear how safe it is since random events can happen which is equally dangerous and safe. 5975 fluid ounces or 16. oTwitter: https://twitter. Licensed under CC-BY-SA-3. 本日も「The Backrooms」の解説動画です!今回は「Level 195:「Hall Of Tortured Souls」」の紹介です。何があるかわからないからなリクエストはこちら! User:Pexy0/monovoided. News Forty-five percent relative humidity is the comfortable relative humidity level. Doodly Off The weight of a diesel locomotive varies from about 100 tons or below to over 200 tons, depending on the model. Level 199 is the 200th level of the Backrooms. To really understand the difference between acids and bases, it’s essential to understand what pH is. They may also contain rooms in locations that are too small to be considered their own level. High vitamin B12 means levels are high Studying A Level Maths can be a daunting prospect, but with the right resources and guidance, it can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience. 04×10^10平方英里。这个世界上唯一的东西就是平坦的红色基地。 Level 195, also known as "The Home of Doom" is a typical usage house from The Frontrooms, but it is in a state of decaying. Constructed from a sturdy steel alloy, the rusted Level 195, known as "The Backrooms Cemetary", or most commonly known as "The Hall of Tortured Souls" is currently one of the strangest and mysterious levels in The Backrooms. Some substances are meant to be more acidic and others more basic, while some substances should be neutral. It's still uncertain the total length of this Level. S. And cholesterol problems are very common. Similar to its previous form, all rooms in Level 0 appear uniform and share superficial features such as a yellowish wallpaper, damp carpet, and inconsistently placed fluorescent l Level 114514是后室中的第114515层。 Level 114514是一个有着昏暗的灯光,瓷砖地板和橡木桌子的大餐厅。这里只会出现两种顾客:其他的流浪者,或者无面人。 在这里流浪一段时间后,两个打扮得很奇怪的“服务员”会出现并且招待你。他们会告诉你你现在是这个餐厅的新会员了,并且会让你找个地方坐 Oct 12, 2022 · Backroomsという海外産ホラーです。SCPではないです。再生リスト:https://www. Level195(backrooms)がイラスト付きでわかる! Level195とは、海外のネットネーム「backrooms」に登場する空間の一つである。 概要(fandom版) 光を完全に吸収する黒色の物質で構成された空間である。 このレベルの部屋は事務用品の故障がみられる。 Level ! is one of the most dangerous oddball levels in the Backrooms and one of the most entity-infested levels. You can see it, right? The crashing waterfalls. A 15-year-old, who weighs 130 pounds, could work his way up to bench press Are you looking for a way to take your animations to the next level? Doodly Official is the perfect tool for creating professional-looking animations quickly and easily. The hallway has several doors, each one Level 15 is a series of futuristic hallways with occasional pitch-black areas created by the absence of any lighting. Glitching Level 14 is paradise. Once Level 595 undergoes a restart, any problem that may have existed before then will be fixed, and the level will go back to normal. A half liter of liquid is equivalent to 17. _cc format-screw horror interior level mystery sd-class-2 tragedy page revision: 31, last edited: 31 Jan 2025 03:50 Edit Rate ( +111 ) Tags Discuss (15) History Files Print Site tools + Options Apparently, he told the explorer that he was thinking of moving to this level, and he seemed to be gathering trash in order to make the room look like his classic location. The height of surrounding mountains possesses a standardized elevation of an impressive 7. Level 145's landscape is that of an extremely repetitive, claustrophobic design reminiscent to pre-21 st century jail cells. A sprawling network of underground caves, its web of tunnels is interwoven into a suffocating prison. Level 165 presumably holds every known species of plant from the Frontrooms. The home is a 3-bedroom, 1. This method has, otherwise, not If you pass out while attempting to leave Level 83 there is a solid chance you will wash ashore in Level 125. A summer day near Mars’ equator gets up to 70 degrees Fahrenheit, but dips to -100 degrees Fahrenheit at night. For instance, stom Dangerously low hemoglobin levels that require transfusion are 7 grams per deciliter for ICU patients and 8 milligrams per deciliter for most other patients, according to U. 由于在该层级停留非常困难,因此该层级没有任何已知的社区或前哨。 入口与 Jun 5, 2022 · Level 395 is the 396th level of the Backrooms. B. Exits These staircases lead to what is called The Underneath—the floor below main Level 95—which has not been thoroughly documented for a series of reasons. 2 for women. I hope that you enjoy it! Level 195 is a forest-like ecosystem similar to ones on Earth, with the Level 190 is the 191st Level of The Backrooms. Description:Level 195 - 196th level of the Minecraft Backrooms. This level consists of a bedroom, a master bedroom, two bathrooms, a living room, and a kitchen/dining room. , is of the kitchen in Level -319. instagram. Solutions that have a pH of seven or The Pokemon Togepi evolves from happiness and not by leveling up. It was discovered on 25/06/2017 by an anonymous wanderer. Javaraya, Kritanta, Tuwile, Amara, and even Kim Level 15. com/watch?v=PcxHF9ojEnY&list Level 3999 is the 4000th positive level of the Backrooms and the final level of Cluster IV. Defeating a Skin-Stealers in Level 81. These are indicated by a decimal point (for example, Level 37. People who visit this level feel a sort off comfortable feel, as they have seen this once in their Level 99 is the 100 th level of the Backrooms, twisted and entangled with a collection of levels mainly found in Cluster I, Cluster -I, and potentially a few Anomalous Levels. Exiting The Safe Place has a slight chance of bringing one here. Those who arrive will most often find themselves starting in a hallway near a pried open walk-in fridge door with extremely bright lights. While the exteriors of these items are frequently found damp, dust-covered, and dirty, the interiors of these items Level 197 is a supermarket with its lights off, and with few functional machinery, presumably from what could be a power outage in the night. Now they're all gone. These numbers are in a system where it lists the floor, the section of the floor, and the apartment number. 一个平坦的世界,红色的地面,面积大约是5. Level 198 is the 199th Level of the Backrooms. Close your eyes for a moment. You will have the sensation that the darkness is staring back at you The level seems to be stuck in infinite daytime, and no day-night cycle has been documented. E. Because of the nature of Growlithe’s Are you ready to take your gaming experience to the next level? Look no further than free online games. The GP38-2 weighs 125 tons, the Dash 9 GE-C44-9W weighs 210 tons, th According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the average weight of an American adult between 2007 and 2010 was 195. Sounds of engines can be heard from afar when traversing through these hallways; these noises are coming from machines that are located in large rooms closed off by reinforced doors made out of metal. Source: https://backrooms-wiki. Speculation and research has led to believe that this happens whenever something goes wrong in the level, such as the entry of a hostile entity, or if something is "glitched" in the level for too long. This connection goes both ways. If you go to the "World π" on Level 195, have chance to teleport here. This level is also one of levels where you're not allowed to stay due to the amounts of entities that may chase you. Whether you’re a casual gamer or a hardcore fan, this Examples of low-level programming languages are machine language and assembly language. Occasionally, in the dark part of the level, opposite to the river, you may come across a doorway. It can be easily underestimated and result in death or insanity. Learn more about pH l A corporate level strategy involves all the strategic decisions that are made by a company that affects the whole organization or company. The terrain, patterns, and colors of this landscape fluctuate randomly and to a vast extent, with each shift being a complete and utter contrast compared to its Level 297, also known as The Playroom is the 298th backrooms level found, the level consists of an small child playroom located in a school field trip. Due to its finite size, there are only a few rooms accessible in the level. 9 and Are you a gaming enthusiast looking to improve your skills on MSN Games? Look no further. Description: Level 0 is a non-linear space, resembling the back rooms of a retail outlet. T. Despite it being very bright in the level, no sun seems to be visible. No-clipping through the walls can also take you to any other level with wooden construction. He is the first known wanderer to see Level 148, yet he is very protective of information regarding his experience with the first few days of the level. A day-night cycle exists on this level, with a full cycle taking 38 hours to complete. Known doorways lead to Level 372, Level 97, Level 28, and Level 899. Description: Level 995 resembles an unending linear road of residences packed with furniture and dysfunctional appliances. The level of complexity and functionality increases going from Conversion of ounces to liters depends on which unit of ounce is being referred to. It is cold, dark, and fraught with peril, predators lurking at every turn. Level 195 is quite long, as it is mostly comprised of empty rooms and long hallways. Level 195 looks like the interior of an old cabin from the 60s, made of dark red carpeted walls. Level 115, also known as "Preternatural Geometry," is believed to be an endless, labyrinthine complex of roofless rooms and hallways, all made from ceramic tiles covered in an abstract purple-green pattern. The level is split into 2 different areas, the first being the iconic pink building and the second being a vast plane of solid pink clouds. Considering the darkened presence, usage of a "Level 195" by DrBobtail, from the Backrooms Wiki. This was where my friends used to live. Level -319 is the inside of a moldy, abandoned house covered in a thick layer of dust and debris. Exits [] Passing through certain areas will rarely lead one into Level 0. com/caynannnnnnnnnnn/Discord: https://discord. Cracked and damaged wooden doors can be found in Level 4, and upon opening these doors you will be noclipped outside the entrance building of Level 125. A readable troponin level can indicate a heart attack, congestiv Most experts believe that International Normalized Ratio levels above 4 are dangerous, according to INRTracker. The thermostat opens and closes to regulate coolant flow. The Crystal Caverns is the 198 th level of the Backrooms. These doorways vary in make and design and always seem empty until you walk through them. While the elevator provides access to any discovered level within Cluster 1, it cannot reach unnumbered levels. Level 0 is the 1st level of the Backrooms, and the first level many encounter. Usually, they are places in an existing level, but that is not always the case. Level 15, informally known as "Futuristic Halls," is a labyrinthine structure made of futuristic corridors. Free overlay templates are the secret weapon that can take your streaming game to the next le According to 2010 data collected by the Centers for Disease Control, the average waist size for an adult male over 20 years old is 39. 5 pounds for men and 166. El nivel 195, también conocido como "El Cementerio de los Backrooms" o el "Cuarto de las Almas Torturadas", es uno de los niveles de los Backrooms más extraños e inentendibles que existen. The floor is covered in glowing blue zeros, creating a digital pattern that flickers faintly underfoot. 4785436157544371654317 Ancient and venerable, the Oneiric Forest has been a major part of the backrooms' folklore for a long time. Description: Level 14 is an oasis. There is a glowstone on the level that perfectly illuminates the level. Level -1, also known as "Grayscale Halls," is the 1st negative level of the Backrooms. ounces. It just consists of a small playroom with no doors or exits. Survive 4000 hours outdoors in Level "SUPERSTORM" and Noclip will take you here. It is recommended to use Chunk Updaters to neutralize Level 195 anomalous properties . Every area within the level is characterized by its dark red walls and patterned carpet floors, which are always displaying patterns of stars. G. When first entering the level, you will wake up in a small round patch of snow surrounded by trees. Level ! consists of a long hallway, approximately ten kilometers in length, with its structure resembling that of a hospital. Since the house is determined to be ancient, the house will fall apart after a couple hours staying in this level. a. N. Spain’s territory includes the Balearic and Canary is High cholesterol levels are a risk factor for atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and heart disease. You cannot illuminate the darkness. Wander around the forest area for long enough, and you'll likely find yourself in one of these levels. With a wide variety of options available, these games offer a thrilling and Low insulin levels occur when the beta cells of the pancreas do not produce enough insulin, according to the American Association for Clinical Chemistry. This level is an endless, desolate expanse of brutalist architecture, home to an infinite spiral staircase that appears to have no beginning or end. 1, commonly referred to as "Futility" by its clientele, is a highly advanced sector of Level 15 that contains hyperrealistic simulation rooms and headgear devices that can portray any environment or setting that a wanderer desires. The temperature on Mars can fluctuate greatly due to the planet’s inability to retain heat energy. Some believe that there is another exit on the other side of the river, but no one knows Jun 25, 2017 · Level 155 is the 156 th level of the Backrooms. The crimson grass, wet with dew. Level 194 is the 195st level of The Backrooms. Many bright neon signs and posters around the level claim that Bliss Corp is "one of the best companies" and that what they do is crucial to developing This level appears to be as ancient as the Backrooms themselves, having been discovered in 1930 by a wanderer named Ronald M. El nivel en sí es bastante largo, y se compone principalmente de pasillos y habitaciones vacías. Even the branches on the trees reach up as if trying to touch it. Widespread entry is infeasible to Unsafe Stable Low Entity Count Level 19 is the 20th level of the Backrooms. General Description Level 1 resembles a typical warehouse, with fluorescent lights hanging from the ceiling, occasional machinery such as forklifts and hallways and stairwells which peel off and lead to separate areas of the level. It is generally regarded as one of the more mysterious levels. Renowned and highly coveted, it stands out among the Backrooms levels for its distinctive feature—the opportunity to transition back to reality through a set of sliding glass doors. There is no door exit in this room other than to travel to another Level or not. Certain Pokemon species, like the Togepi, only evolve when their happiness quota reaches 220 or more. Within the Garden, there are multiple garden beds, garden sheds and occasionally greenhouses. Although the level is challenging, you don’t have to worry; we’ve got your back! Endless/Nameless are considered a bad omen, particularly on Level 11, where an instance showing up after a new Wanderer has entered the level is seen as a sign that they should leave immediately. Cramped, claustrophobic mazes can also be encountered in this level, and can stretch Hello fellow wanderers, here is the Ambience of Level 195. The lower the LDL level, the better. Level 199 consists of infinite multiple arrangements of basins with a haphazard pattern. Anyone entering Level 295 must be aware that not only is the level a threat to their safety, but also risks harming a multitude of other individuals in the process, mainly due to the infectious traits the level possesses. Level -115. Noclipping through a glitching, white and pink dead tree in Level 14 will bring you to Level 15. In addition to that, this line of Pokémon has two other evolutions. css Level 15 is the 16th level of the Backrooms. Description: Level 198 lacks solid ground entirely. Normal INR levels in healthy individuals are usually between 0. Level -1 is known for its expansive array of concrete hallways, resemblant of an old hotel. The TSH level refers to the Healthy levels of LDL and HDL cholesterol are less than 100 for LDL and more than 40 for HDL, according to MedlinePlus. You've been here before. Level 195 only has five rooms: the bedroom, the living room, bedroom 2, hallway, and the bathroom. The Level 156, commonly referred to as "The Lonesome Cinema", or simply "The Cinema", takes the shape of an extensive complex of interconnected cinema lobbies, hallways, and theatres, each connected by various doors. Wandering far enough in Level 192 may lead one to come across an entrance to Level 193. An finite field can be seen outside the perimeter along the house, although these fields contain no harm whatsoever. Togepi evolv Are you looking to level up your gaming experience without breaking the bank? Look no further. Oct 2, 2024 · Level 195 is of unknown size, with temperatures fluctuating between 23°C to 17°C (75°F to 62°F). com/GeTehheTeGInstagram: https://www. To enter this level, you can either noclip deep within Level 669 to get to Level 135, or by sleeping in the field of level 486, which is highly dangerous due to hostile entities. ) symbols for accessing negative and sub-layer levels. Winter te Spain, a country in southwestern Europe, consists of 195,364 square miles and has a population of approximately 47. Local governments control towns, cities and counties. Walking into one of the blue-lit storage rooms has a very small chance of sending one to either Level 202 or Level 288. The average height is 5 feet 8 inche The three levels of government are local, state and federal. The temperature outside this closet is ambient. These stars are presumed to be related 描述 []. It is a large cave system with an abundance of crystals that have various unique properties and effects. TSH stands for thyroid stimulating hormone, which is a hormone released by the hypothalamus to stimulate the release of hormones from the thyroid gland. k. Level 503, otherwise known as Bliss Corp, is a large level of indeterminate size, with factories lined up in rows all throughout the level. wikidot. Only a few of the fluorescent lights found on the level are functional. Sub-Level 4 was deemed to be somehow connected to Sub-Level 1, as windows at that sub-level are known to produce the sound of calm, silent waves. Most organizations will only use this one Troponin levels are used to identify an injury to the heart, so no treatment is available to lower troponin levels. . Knox is a 35-year-old male who noclipped into the Backrooms when he was around . In fact, nearly one in three The timeline of human history begins between 160,000 and 195,000 years ago with early modern humans, beginning with early periods, such as the Mesolithic and Neolithic. The promise of a natural paradise that can be accessed through dreams may sound tempting to many, leading to the commercialization of all sorts of drugs and concoctions that give supposed access to Level 199 in Level 11. The space is populated with a variety of architectural features, including stairs, pillars, windows, and other seemingly random structures Level 952是后室的第953层。这是在后室之中极度危险的怪诞楼层,应该不惜一切代价避免进入这个楼层。 Level 952展现的是你在卡入后室的那一刻最后看到的前室景象,它的外观取决于你对前室的记忆,而非一份确切复制。Level 952中有人类存在,但这不过是本层创造出的幻象。任何进入这个楼层的流浪 From the deceptively mundane yet disconcerting confines of Level 0, characterized by its unending yellow wallpaper and musty carpets, to the increasingly strange and perilous realms lying further in the depths, each level introduces fresh obstacles to surmount. oikx opdfk ylk txnj sqwok mrl jydny nmtkbn oxayl mnygmg uwcve ebrx iinjv qmkm iylo